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This does not only refer to hotels, but also to hospitals, co-living, short term rentals and more in a rapidly shifting scenario.

The reception / entrance area is fundamental, it is the first impression for your guests, it give a warm welcome or a WOW effect, but no matter the size it needs to set the tone.

Hotels have a dual personality made by private rooms and public areas. The art is to find the balance between private, safe spaces and a contrasting leisure area, which needs to bring the city in. It is the meeting point between the guest and the hotel’s geographical location. No matter if, the hotel is in a bustling city, or plunged in nature, either way public spaces reflect the exterior in contrast to the sanctuary of one’s room.

“Architecture is really about well-being.

On the one hand it’s about shelter, I think that
people want to feel good in a space…

but it’s also about pleasure.“

Zaha Hadid

Meet the founders

We listen to our clients carefully