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Christmas Tree

The intent was to design a lasting object that was sustainable, easy to store and chic! It all started with a cardboard prototype that remained in use in our house for many years, until we decided to design one that would last. Made by a single sheet of MDF, the size is given by the idea of using a single sheet for every tree (large) or 2 trees in one (medium). The tree comes in 2 large sizes (h. 200 cm and h. 160 cm) and 2 table sizes. (h. 30 cm and h. 20 cm).

Finishes are red, gold, or black which emphasizes its distinctive profile. It packs flat, so the smaller sizes fits into an A4 envelop for easy mailing, the larger ones instead can be easily stored just about anywhere! Like many of our products this was made in collaboration with one of the great carpenter workshops in Brianza, “Passepartout” by Fabrizio Molteni.